
Compute the gravity/magnetic anomaly of a 3-D body by the method of Okabe


gmt gravmag3d xyz_file -Tvvert_file OR -Tr|sraw_file OR -M+sbody,params [ -Cdensity ] [ -Ethickness ] [ -Fxy_file ] [ -Goutputgrid ] [ -Hf_dec/f_dip/m_int/m_dec/m_dip ] [ -Lz_observation ] [ -Sradius ] [ -Zlevel ] [ -V[level] ] [ -fg] [ --PAR=value ]

Note: No space is allowed between the option flag and the associated arguments.


gravmag3d will compute the gravity or magnetic anomaly of a body described by a set of triangles. The output can either be along a given set of xy locations or on a grid. This method is not particularly fast but allows computing the anomaly of arbitrarily complex shapes.

Required Arguments (not all)


Sets body density in SI. This option is mutually exclusive with -H.


Sets parameters for computing a magnetic anomaly. Use f_dec/f_dip to set the geomagnetic declination/inclination in degrees. m_int/m_dec/m_dip are the body magnetic intensity declination and inclination.


Provide locations where the anomaly will be computed. Note this option is mutually exclusive with -G.


Output the gravity or magnetic anomaly at nodes of this grid file.

-M+sbody,params (An alaternative to -Tr/-Ts). Create geometric bodies and compute their grav/mag effect.

Select among one or more of the following bodies, where x0 & y0 represent the horizontal coordinates of the body center [default to 0,0 positive up], npts is the number of points that a circle is discretized and n_slices apply when bodies are made by a pile of slices. For example Spheres and Ellipsoids are made of 2 x n_slices and Bells have n_slices [Default 5]. It is even possible to select more than one body. For example -M+sprism,1/1/1/-5/-10/1+ssphere,1/-5 computes the effect of a prism and a sphere. Unfortunately there is no current way of selecting distinct densities or magnetic parameters for each body.

  • bell,height/sx/sy/z0[/x0/y0/n_sig/npts/n_slices] Gaussian of height height with characteristic STDs sx and sy. The base width (at depth z0) is controlled by the number of sigmas (n_sig) [Default = 2]

  • cylinder,rad/height/z0[/x0/y0/npts/n_slices] Cylinder of radius rad and height height and base at depth z0

  • cone,semi_x/semi_y/height/z0[/x0/y0/npts] Cone of semi axes semi_x/semi_y height height and base at depth z0

  • ellipsoid,semi_x/semi_y/semi_z/z_center[/x0/y0/npts/n_slices] Ellipsoid of semi axes semi_x/semi_y/semi_z and center depth z_center

  • prism,side_x/side_y/side_z/z0[/x0/y0] Prism of sides x/y/z and base at depth z0

  • pyramid,side_x/side_y/height/z0[/x0/y0] Pyramid of sides x/y height height and base at depth z0

  • sphere,rad/z_center[/x0/y0/npts/n_slices] Sphere of radius rad and center at depth z_center

-Rxmin/xmax/ymin/ymax[+r][+uunit] (more …)

Specify the region of interest.

-Tvvert_file (must have when passing a xyz_file) OR -Tr|sraw_file

Gives names of a xyz and vertex (-Tvvert_file) files defining a close surface. The file formats correspond to the output of the triangulate program. The xyz file can have 3, 4, 5, 6 or 8 columns. In first case (3 columns) the magnetization (or density) are assumed constant (controlled by -C or -H). Following cases are: 4 columns -> 4rth col magnetization intensity; 5 columns: mag, mag dip; 6 columns: mag, mag dec, mag dip; 8 columns: field dec, field dip, mag, mag dec, mag dip. When n columns > 3 the third argument of the -H option is ignored. A raw format (selected by the -Tr option) is a file with N rows (one per triangle) and 9 columns corresponding to the x,y,x coordinates of each of the three vertex of each triangle. Alternatively, the -Ts option indicates that the surface file is in the ASCII STL (Stereo Lithographic) format. These two type of files are used to provide a closed surface.

Optional Arguments

-V[level] (more …)

Select verbosity level [w].


give layer thickness in m [Default = 0 m]. Use this option only when the triangles describe a non-closed surface and you want the anomaly of a constant thickness layer.


sets level of observation [Default = 0]. That is the height (z) at which anomalies are computed.


search radius in km. Triangle centroids that are further away than radius from current output point will not be taken into account. Use this option to speed up computation at expenses of a less accurate result.


level of reference plane [Default = 0]. Use this option when the triangles describe a non-closed surface and the volume is defined from each triangle and this reference level. An example will be the hater depth to compute a Bouguer anomaly.


Geographic grids (dimensions of longitude, latitude) will be converted to meters via a “Flat Earth” approximation using the current ellipsoid parameters.

-^ or just -

Print a short message about the syntax of the command, then exit (NOTE: on Windows just use -).

-+ or just +

Print an extensive usage (help) message, including the explanation of any module-specific option (but not the GMT common options), then exit.

-? or no arguments

Print a complete usage (help) message, including the explanation of all options, then exit.


Temporarily override a GMT default setting; repeatable. See gmt.conf for parameters.

Grid Distance Units

If the grid does not have meter as the horizontal unit, append +uunit to the input file name to convert from the specified unit to meter. If your grid is geographic, convert distances to meters by supplying -fg instead.


To compute the magnetic anomaly of a cube of unit sides located at 5 meters depth and centered at -10,1 in a domain -R-15/15/-15/15 with a magnetization of 10 Am with a declination of 10 degrees, inclination of 60 in a magnetic field with -10 deg of declination and 40 deg of inclination, do:

gmt gmtgravmag3d -R-15/15/-15/15 -I1 -H10/60/10/-10/40 -M+sprism,1/1/1/-5/-10/1 -Gcube_mag_anom.grd


Okabe, M., Analytical expressions for gravity anomalies due to polyhedral bodies and translation into magnetic anomalies, Geophysics, 44, (1979), p 730-741.